Grading Rubrics


Class Participation / Response Paper (20 pts each)


Students are expected to participate in class discussions by reading the assigned materials before class, thinking about the issues and historical patterns suggested in the readings, and relating these issues to their own personal experience. Students will submit a short (one half - one page) reading response paper in the morning before each class (excluding days of field trips). These papers are intended to provoke discussion. The instructor will provide tentative questions for response papers, but students are encouraged to raise their own questions. The response papers will serve as a basis for subsequent discussion in class.



5 (Excellent)

4 (Good)

2-3 (Fair)

0-1 (Poor)

Contribution to the Classroom


Discussion is insightful, thorough, and interesting.

Discussion is thorough and interesting.

Discussion is interesting but lacks insight and depth.

Discussion is uninteresting and/or too brief for the assignment.

Inspires Reply Discussions from Other Students

A serious effort is made to frame the discussion in such a way as to encourage others to reply.  Discussion generates questions and opens up new avenues for discussion.

A serious effort is made to frame the discussion in such a way as to encourage others to reply.

Some effort is made to frame the discussion in such a way as to encourage others to reply.

No effort is made to frame the discussion in such a way as to encourage others to reply.

Demonstrated Understanding of the Reading Assignment

Discussion demonstrates a thorough understanding of the reading assignment and is substantiated by several examples from the textbook and/or companion website.

Discussion demonstrates an understanding of the reading assignment and is substantiated by at least one example from the textbook and/or companion website.

Discussion demonstrates an understanding of the reading assignment but is not substantiated by examples from the textbook and/or companion website.

Discussion demonstrates very little understanding of the reading assignment.

Grammar, Mechanics, Spelling, and Sentence Structure

Discussion is highly polished; no grammar or spelling errors.

Discussion is polished; maximum of one grammar or spelling error.

Discussion is adequate; maximum of two grammar or spelling errors.

Inadequate discussion; more than two spelling or grammar errors.